"Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.”
― Bessel A. van der Kolk
Counselling is a talking therapy between a qualified therapist and client. What happens in a counselling session depends on what the client brings and how the therapist works.
Navigating life can sometimes be challenging, invoking painful emotions and ways of coping and adapting, which may cause further pain. I believe that counselling is a place to be heard, validated and emotionally held, providing you with a safe space to make sense of the influences of your past, where you find yourself today and to discover new tools to make informed choices about the direction you want to take going forward. I offer a safe, warm and supportive environment in which we can explore these together, drawing from a range of therapeutic theories and tools.
People seek counselling for a variety of reasons and issues and can sometimes seek support for one issue and find other areas to explore come to light during the process. These are some of the areas I work with:
“Trauma is not what happened to you but what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you”
― Gabor Maté
Trauma can be caused by an event or series of events, affecting how we function in the present and can impact every area of our lives. My priority is always your wellbeing and, when working with trauma, would firstly establish safety measures to help keep you emotionally grounded. You are always in control of the depth and pace of our work.
"Inviting our thoughts and feelings into awareness allows us to learn from them rather than be driven by them”
― Daniel J. Siegel
Change can be daunting, especially if it involves the loss of a loved one, lifestyle or identity. It takes time to adapt to the new ‘normal’ and often having a non-judgmental and empathic space to explore and process emotions can help with the transition.
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom"
— Viktor Frankl
Some people find themselves habitually using substances or behaviors (such as gambling, sex or food) that negatively affect their day-to-day lives, yet they feel unable to stop. This can often lead to feelings of guilt and shame, increasing dependence and becoming a vicious cycle. Counselling can help to explore the reasons behind the use of behaviors or substances and to help identify new ways of coping.
"You can't treat the label; you have to treat the person behind the label”
― Irvin D. Yalom
Our mental health is influenced by our past and present physical, emotional and social world affecting how we think, feel and act, often leading to feelings of shame and isolation. Counselling can be a place to explore and challenge some of these unhelpful beliefs, perceptions and ways of coping.
I also work with:
Relationship issues
Managing challenging emotions
Low Self-worth
Childhood abuse & neglect
You are welcome to contact me to arrange a free initial consultation.